XXXIX CIOSTA & CIGR V International Conference, on


Agricultural systems management in times of globalization

Kraków, Poland, 28 June 2021 



The XXXIX CIOSTA / CIGR V conference is planned in Krakow (Poland) on 28 June 2021.

The overall conference program covers the following topics:

  • production and processing of biological non-food raw materials,
  • production and using of unconventional energy sources,
  • automation and robotization,
  • agriculture 4.0,
  • information systems used in management,
  • automation of human work,
  • problems of modern ergonomics,
  • food security in period of pandemic,
  • supply chain management,
  • innovative research techniques and other topics.

The Organizing Committee decided to conduct the conference in a virtual form. 

Participation in the conference is free, the cost of publication is 70 euro.

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